Proto Raider

Proto Raider







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About Proto Raider

Category Arcade

Race through dangerous levels filled with traps, enemies, and treasures in this fast-paced action-adventure. Collect valuable items, solve puzzles, and avoid dangers while aiming for the highest score.
The game’s retro style and challenging mechanics will test both your reflexes and problem-solving abilities. Each level offers a fresh challenge, keeping the gameplay exciting and rewarding.
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Game Info

🔥 Tags Roguelike Robot Retro Jumping Side Scrolling Platform
✅ Game Developer Puzzle Lab
💻 PlatformMicrosoft Windows 11/10/8/7/XP
📁 File Size46 Mb
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Legal Information

All full version games provided at this website were licensed, sublicensed for distribution by other game developers, game publishers, or developed by internal game studios and provided free legally. If you have questions about this game, please contact us using this form.

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