The Far Kingdoms: Hidden Magic

The Far Kingdoms: Hidden Magic







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About The Far Kingdoms: Hidden Magic

Category Hidden Object

Embark on a quest to save the Far Kingdoms from an ancient evil. As a powerful sorceress, you must use your magical abilities to locate hidden objects and gather spells that will help you protect the realm from the rising darkness. Your journey will take you through enchanted lands filled with mystery and danger.
The game combines hidden object scenes with spell-crafting mechanics, offering a magical twist on the classic genre. It's ideal for players who love fantasy worlds and enjoy mixing puzzles with spellbinding storylines.
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Game Info

🔥 Tags Magic Mystery Family-Friendly Story-Rich Princess
💻 PlatformMicrosoft Windows 11/10/8/7/XP
📁 File Size106 Mb
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Games in this series (10 Games)

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