Solve the Mystery of the Missing Crew in Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident

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3.5 Rating - 101 Votes

Imagine this: you're slumped in your cinema seat, eyelids heavy after a long day, and you dozed off. The familiar flickers of a classic B-movie fill the screen, a cheesy horror romp you've seen a million times. Suddenly, your eyes snap open, popcorn scattered. You're not in your seat anymore. You're in the movie.

That's the premise of Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident, a hidden object adventure that throws you headfirst into the celluloid world of Shutterville. You're no longer a spectator, but a participant, thrust into the role of a reluctant detective tasked with solving the disappearance of the film crew and escaping this warped reality.

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Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident Screenshot 1
Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident Screenshot 2
Showing Tonight: Mindhunters Incident Screenshot 3
Published 01 February 2024

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